Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to Clean a Broom

I'm getting ready to share with you, once again, another embarrassing household secret of mine: my dirty, dirty broom.


Ewwww! Ewwww! Ewww!

There are no excuses, but I will say that we have a dark kitchen floor... which shows EVERYTHING! So this broom gets used probably daily. On top of that, we have a very hairy black cat that sheds hairball tumble weeds on a daily basis as well. With that said, this broom is almost 2 years old and has never been properly cleaned. Eww again.

I found this tutorial online courtesy ehow.com, Cleaning a Plastic Broom, which I followed, sort of.

Step #1: Beat the s@*#& out of it on the side of the front porch to knock off furballs.

Step #2: Vacuum

Step #3: Rinse under hot water

Step #4: Soak in a bath of soap, bleach and water. Ehow said to use dish soap but I dropped in a couple dishwasher detergent packets. I thought the bubbling effect might help break up the dirty particles. I also didn't follow the ratios they gave. I filled up the tube I had with hot water until the broom was covered, added 2 cups of bleach and 2 dish soap packets.

I soaked it for about 20 minutes. Now, I'm not exactly sure that I didn't create some sort of toxic fumage in my bathroom with this mixture so I opened all the windows in the house and turned on the exhaust fan. Let that be a warning/disclaimer to all. I don't want to be held accountable for lost brain cells. 

Step #5: Rinse out all the soap with hot water.

Step #6: Second soak in hot water and 2 cups bleach.

Step #7: Sit out to dry in the sun. Because my mother said so. 

I know, something looks a little off. As it turns out, the bristles on the broom have split at the ends. Just like my hair in middle school. I was going to cut them off so it looks nicer (because I feel like it is clean now but still looks dirty) but my husband said that it probably picks up better like that so I kept that as is. 


  1. It's good that your broom lasting that long.

  2. or mayby buy a new one:) For sure it will take less time and money:)

    1. I'm with her. I buy a new one (I buy it at dollar tree so its only a dollar when I do have to replace it)

    2. Thats a throw away society's excuse. The brooms not broken so keep using it rather then throw it away for lazy efforts

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  4. I read a different article that you shouldn't get your broom wet because it shortens its lifespan. Maybe I shouldn't worry about that. Dirty brooms are a serious pet peeve of mine. I can't stand touching that fuzzy nastiness!

  5. You really should not be using plastic bristles to clean a hardwood floor. Soft brush on your vacuum should be sufficient

  6. several packs of dish washer detergent? you know that most detergents damage the environment. a half would have been enough.

  7. I say if there is a good way to clean it, please do so. . It may be cheap and easy to buy a replacement, but it's a shame to add more plastic to our landfills.

  8. 40 degree Celsius water, a squirt of cheap lemon scented dish detergent and another brush that needs to be cleaned, clean the brushes with each other, speedy and effective, towel dry to speed up drying times if in a hurry.

  9. 40 degree Celsius water, a squirt of cheap lemon scented dish detergent and another brush that needs to be cleaned, clean the brushes with each other, speedy and effective, towel dry to speed up drying times if in a hurry.


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  11. I followed almost your directions and chopped unevenly the fuzzy partn to allow the broom to still pick of fine debris which is why the ends are split originally. Thanks bunches!


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